hedfect of
adding sodiu m suuate to thediets with diHerence levels of suHur一amino acidson the
nutrients availability were studied with 1 00 Taihang Mountain rabbits at the age of 45一day
old.The resuItes showed that significant increases in sedlment rate of N were obtained
from0.2%~0.4%sodium sulfate added to basal diet meeting80%~96%of the
requriement.Thedigestibility of dry material and organic material were all influenced,but the
difference were notsignificant(P>0. 05).The best result was obtained when 0.2%sodium sulfate
was added to thebasal diet meeting 96%of sulfur一amino acids requirement.Sediment rate of
absorbed N and di-gestibIe N increased by 19. 80%and 18.79%(P<0.01).
Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming(CJRF)