

Anaerobic fermentation of Eichhornia crassipes Solms roots and biomass accumulation of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin
摘要 对水葫芦采用不同浓度的NaOH预处理,研究其对水葫芦厌氧发酵产气量的影响. 在培养基中分别加入乙酸钠、碳酸氢钠和发酵上清液培养沙角衣藻,讨论对沙角衣藻生长的影响. 结果发现,2% 浓度的NaOH预处理对根发酵产气最为有利,根叶混合物经预处理后可获得802.6 mL/100 g新鲜底物的最佳产气量;以乙酸钠作培养基碳源,沙角衣藻生物量能得到明显积累,可从初始的0.4×10~6个/mL达到10 d后的2.84×10~6个/mL.Abstract:Eichhornia crassipes Solms was pretreated with different concentration of NaOH to study the influence of pretreation on gas production volume. CH_3COONa、NaHCO_3 and supernatant of anaerobic fermentation of Eichhornia crassipes Solms liquor were separately added into culture medium of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin to study the effect of carbon source on the growth of algae. The 2% concentration was the best pretreation concentration for gas production, and each 100 g fresh substrate of the mixture (of roots and leaves) produced 802.6 mL biogas. And CH_3COONa obviously promoted the growth of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin, the biomass varied from the initial 0.4×10~6 algae per milliliter to the final 2.84×10~6 algae per milliliter. Eichhornia crassipes Solms was pretreated with different concentration of NaOH to study the influence of pretreation on gas production volume.CH_3COONa、NaHCO_3 and supernatant of anaerobic fermentation of Eichhornia crassipes Solms liquor were separately added into culture medium of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin to study the effect of carbon source on the growth of algae.The 2% concentration was the best pretreation concentration for gas production,and each 100 g fresh substrate of the mixture (of roots and leaves) produced 802.6 mL biogas.And CH_3COONa obviously promoted the growth of Chlamydomonas sajiao Lewin,the biomass varied from the initial 0.4×10~6 algae per milliliter to the final 2.84×10~6 algae per milliliter.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1877-1881,共5页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 四川省青年科技基金项目(07ZQ026-007)
关键词 芦根 厌氧发酵 沙角衣藻 生长 偶联 EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES gas production anaerobic fermentation the growth 预处理 发酵产气 culture medium carbon source 乙酸钠 水葫芦 培养基 产气量 NaOH study influence roots of Eichhornia crassipes solms anaerobic fermentation sodium acetate Chlamydomonas sajiao lewin
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