目的 观察胸腔内置管并甘露聚糖肽联合白细胞介素-2注药治疗肺癌致恶性胸腔积液的疗效.方法 将我院收治的恶性胸腔积液患者34例,尽量排尽胸腔积液后胸腔内注入药物,治疗组为甘露聚糖肽60 mg/次、白细胞介素-2 100~200万U/次,每周1~2次,连用4次,无效停止治疗;对照组为甘露聚糖肽60 mg/次,每周1~2次,连用4次无效停用,随访3个月.结果 甘露聚糖肽+白细胞介素-2组有效率为82.35%;甘露聚糖肽组有效率为41.18%,两组有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 中心静脉导管行胸腔闭式引流术操作简单,创伤小,无痛苦,带管活动方便,引流效果满意.甘露聚糖肽和白细胞介素-2联合用于胸膜腔内注射可充分发挥协同作用,迅速促进癌性渗出液的吸收,值得临床上进一步研究和推广.
Objective To discuss the clinical value of closed drainage of pleural cavity with central venous catheterand to evaluate the effect of mannatide and interleukin-2 in the treatment of the patients with pulmonary neoplasm combined with malignant pleural effusion by thoracic cavity perfusion drainage.Methods Thirty-four patients with pulmonary neoplasm combined with malignant pleural effusion were randomly divided into two groups.In group A, injection of mannatide (60 mg) and interleukin-2(10-20 million U) each time.In group B, injection of mannatide (60 mg)each time.The procedures were performed at an interval of a week for 1-2 times.The course of treatment was 4 weeks and the follow-up period was 3 months.Results The total efficiencies in groups A and B were 82.35% and 41.18%, respectively; the difference was considered significant (P < 0.05).Conclusions The closed drainage of pleural cavity with central venous catheter is easy to manipulate, with minor trauma, no complaints, convenience in patient activity and satisfactory drainage effect.Mannatide and interleukin-2were effective and safe on patients with pulmonary neoplasmcombined with malignant pleural effusion, and they take effect synergetically.This method worth being studied and extended clinically.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine