
基于SWE的无线传感观测服务研究与实现 被引量:3

Research and Implementation for Sensor Observation Service of Wireless Sensor Network Based on SWE
摘要 首先基于SWE详细分析了传感观测服务应完成的核心操作,然后重点阐述了基于SWE的传观感观测服务原型系统的设计,包括系统的数据交互和系统体系结构,并针对SOS体系结构的每层设计做了进一步说明,最后基于一个红外楼宇监控无线传感器网络实现了一个SOS原型系统,并进行了实验,实验结果表明该原型系统中实现的SOS核心操作能够较好的完成数据采集服务。 This paper firstly analysis the core operation that the Sensor Observation Service should complete based on SWE in the details.Then the design and implementation of the prototype system of the Sensor observation Service,including the data interaction and the system architecture,are emphasized.It also gives a farther demonstration for each level of the architecture.Finally,a SOS prototype system is implemented based on an infrared building monitoring wireless sensor networks.Experimental results indicate that the Core Operation implemented in the prototype system could do the data collection service well.
作者 王建国 阳叶
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2010年第12期137-140,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 陕西省教育厅自然基金专项(编号:09JK501)资助
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