
类别学习的机制:基于类别中心学习假设的解释 被引量:1

Category Learning:Explanation based on CCL Hypothesis
摘要 为了区分推理学习是学习类别内部结构还是学习类别对应特征的规则,该研究使用眼动仪研究了22名大学生被试在类别学习过程中的眼动情况。被试被随机分为相等的两组,一组进行分类学习,另一组进行推理学习。实验分为学习、测试两阶段,在学习阶段被试三个连续单元的正确率为90%或者30个单元做完则结束学习,在测试阶段检验学习的效果。结果表明推理学习者在学习过程中关注的是类别内部特征之间的关系,而不是类别对应特征的规则。 In order to distinguish people learn category is by learning of within-category information or by learning a set of category-to-feature rules in inference learning,Eyelink-II was used to research 22 undergraduates' eye fixation in category learning.Participants were assigned randomly and in equal numbers to inference learning or classification learning.The experiment has a learning phase followed by a test phase.In the learning phase all participants keep learning until they reached a learning criterion of 90% accuracy on three consecutive blocks,or until 30 blocks finished.The results showed that inference learner fixated relations among within-category features,rather than category-to-feature rules.
作者 邢强 车敬上
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2010年第6期54-57,共4页 Psychological Exploration
基金 国家自然科学基金(31070918) 广州市人文社会科学发展与教育心理学重点研究基地成果
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