

Review of Quality Assurance System of Royal College of Music
摘要 音乐学院以其鲜明的艺术个性化和自由化著称,步入高等教育大众化时期的音乐学院应该建立怎样的质量保证体系,寻求艺术教育的特性与高等教育的一般规则之间的平衡,以保持音乐学院的传统特色,适应时代发展。英国皇家音乐学院作为历史悠久又享有世界声誉的公立音乐学院,目前实行的较完善的质量保证体系,经历了"精英—大众—普及"高等教育时代,其中,以学院使命为主线建立质量保证体系;以"创造力、实践力、智力"为三要素的人才培养质量标准;以《质量保证手册》的制定和颁布深化全院质量管理意识和行动等特点,可资国内同类院校借鉴。 The music colleges feature distinctive artistic personality and liberalization.In the period of popular higher education,the music colleges should establish the quality assurance system,seek the balance between features of art education and the general rules of higher education and keep the traditional characteristics of music colleges and adapt to the time.Royal College of Music has a long history and is a worldwide prestigious public music college.It is practicing a comparatively perfect quality assurance system,and has experienced the transition from elite,mass to universal higher education.The characteristic to establish the quality assurance system taking the mission of the college as the main line,the quality standards for talents training taking 'creativity,practice ability and intelligence' as the three elements,the formulation and promulgation of Quality Assurance Manual to deepen the awareness of college-wide quality management can be used as reference for similar colleges in China.
作者 张小敏
出处 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 CSSCI 2010年第4期86-92,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art
分类号 J [艺术]
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