目的通过分析2008-2009年厦门市游泳场所水质卫生状况,找出存在的问题,探讨解决对策,保障游泳者健康。方法 2008-2009年共采集厦门市游泳场所409份泳池水,参照GB9667-1996《游泳场所卫生标准》采用SPSS11.5对检测结果进行综合分析。结果 2008-2009年厦门市游泳场所水质卫生合格率为67.0%,主要不合格指标为pH值、游离性余氯和细菌总数;不同类别游泳场所和泳池不同区域均有一定的差异。结论厦门市游泳场所水质卫生状况不容乐观,卫生监督部门必须加强对游泳场所的监督指导和分类管理。
Objective:Analysis of the hygiene quality of swimming pool water of 2008-2009 in XiaMen City was conducted,to find out the existent problem,and approach solving strategy to ensurre the safety for swimmers.Method:409 swimming pool water samples in XiaMen City were detected from 2008 to 2009,then granted aggregate analysis.Results:The qualification rate was 67.0%,of which the pH value,the free residul chlorind and the total bacterial number are the three main disqualifying indexes,and the qualification rate of different types of swimming pools and diffenent zones in swimming pool was all different.Conclusion:It is not optimistic of the hygiene quality of swimming pool water in Xiamen city,the enhancing supervision and guidance for swimming pools is of much urgence.
swimming pool
hygiene quality