
The Wolves and the Sheepdogs

The Wolves and the Sheepdogs
摘要 The wolves thus said to the sheepdogs, "You look like us so many things. Why not live with us as brothers? We differ from you in one point only. We live in freedom, but you have to bow down toand slave for men. They put collars on your necks and whip you now and then, and while they eat the mutton, throw only the bones to you. Thats too unfair. If you will be persuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we will enjoy them in common." The sheepdogs listened favorably to these sweet words, and entering the den of the wolves, they were attacked violently and torn into pieces. The wolves thus said to the sheepdogs, "You look like us so many things. Why not live with us as brothers? We differ from you in one point only. We live in freedom, but you have to bow down toand slave for men. They put collars on your necks and whip you now and then, and while they eat the mutton, throw only the bones to you. Thats too unfair. If you will be persuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we will enjoy them in common." The sheepdogs listened favorably to these sweet words, and entering t...
作者 翟俊珍
机构地区 河南
出处 《中学英语园地(初一版)》 2005年第Z1期34-,共1页
关键词 The Wolves and the Sheepdogs
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