
城市饮用水源水质健康风险评价 被引量:3

Health Risk Assessment of Urban Drinking Water Source
摘要 应用健康风险评价模型对广东省某河段饮用水源地水质进行健康风险评价。结果表明,化学致癌物是该饮用水源地的主要污染物;化学致癌物的健康风险大小顺序为Cr6+>As>Cd,优先控制污染物为Cr6+;化学致癌物的健康风险超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受限值,并且远远超过非致癌物所致的风险;非致癌物的健康风险大小顺序为Pb>F>NH3-N>CN>酚。研究结果确定了该水源地水质健康风险值、污染物的优先控制顺序。 The health risk assessment model was applied to assess the quality of drinking water source in Guangdong. The results show that, the health risk caused by chemical carcinogens is higher than the standard recommended by ICRP and their effects are much higher than that of those non-carcinogen pollutants. The ranking of risk due to chemical carcinogen in drinking water is Cr6+>As>Cd, and Cr6+ is the highest priority pollutant. The ranking of risk due to non-carcinogen pollutants in drinking water is Pb>F>NH3-N>CN> hydroxybenzene. Chemical carcinogens are primary and should be removed accordingly.
作者 刘秀平
出处 《广州环境科学》 2011年第2期28-30,共3页 Guangzhou Environmental Science
关键词 饮用水源 健康风险评价 化学致癌物 drinking water source health risk assessment chemical carcinogen
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