目的:探讨体外受精后不同时期观察受精情况对临床结果的影响。方法:取2009年7月-12月间于我科接受体外受精-胚胎移植治疗的190个周期,随机分为2组进行观察,均于取卵后3~5 h授精。实验组(82个周期)和对照组(108个周期)分别于受精后4 h和20 h去除卵丘细胞观察原核形成和受精情况,然后对2组资料的临床结果各项指标进行统计分析。结果:2组的女方年龄、不孕年限、获卵数、正常受精率、异常受精率、优质胚胎率、临床妊娠率、种植率和流产率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:IVF-ET中提早观察受精对临床结果无明显影响。
Objective To investigate the influence on clinical result for observing fertilization status after IVF at different time points.Methods From July to December in 2009,total 190 cycles were underwent IVF-ET,which were randomly divided into observed group(82 cycles) and control group(108 cycles).The observed group and control group were removed oocyte granulosa cells and observed the second polor body at 4 h and 20 h after fertilization,respectively.The clinical datas and results were statistically analyzed and compared.Results There were no significant difference in the number of female age,infertile year,number of oocytes,fertilization rates,abnormal fertilization rates,good quality embryo rates and the miscarriage rates between observed group and control group(P>0.05).Conclusion There was no difference on clinical result for early observing fertilization in IVF-ET.
Journal of Hubei University of Medicine