为了检验张峰水库输水的预应力钢筒混凝土管道的强度和严密性,该工程选择了一段直径为1 400 mm、长度达859.95m的预应力钢筒混凝土管道进行静水压试验。叙述了具体的试验步骤和方法,试验压力为0.9 MPa.试验结果表明,该段管道的强度及严密性皆满足设计要求。
In order to check the strength and tightness of PCCP which belong to XI bid water delivery project of Zhangfeng Reservoir,a section of PCCP was selected to conduct hydrostatic pressure test The diameter of this test pipe is 1400mm.The Iength of test pipe section is 859.95 m.In this paper,the test procedure and method are narrated.Test pressure is 0.9MPa.Test result indicates that the strength and tighteness of tested pipe have met the deign demand.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics