

Discussion on the Independence of People's Bank of China
摘要 近年来,国内一度出现了对中央银行独立性的研究热潮。绝大部分学者普遍认为,我国也应该努力提高中央银行的独立性。但笔者认为,是否提高中央银行的独立性应当根据我国实际国情来决定,仅仅拿外国的经验和理论下结论是不全面的。目前,我国中央银行已经具有足够高的独立性,并且与国家的各个部门机构能协调地发挥职能作用,所以无需再强调提高其独立性。 Many people have discussed the independence of People's Bank of China since these years. Most of them argue that our country should promote the degree of independence of People's Bank of China as other country. But the author thinks that whether promote the degree or not is up to the real situation of our country. It's not completely to make decision just by the experience and theory of foreign country. At present, People's Bank of China already has a high enough degree of independence, what's more, it does well and harmonizes with other branches. Therefore, it's needless to promote its degree of independence.
作者 薛凤珍
机构地区 新疆财经学院
出处 《襄樊职业技术学院学报》 2005年第4期57-59,共3页 Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College
关键词 中央银行 独立性 通货膨胀 Central bank independence inflation.
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