
数字地震台网大震前地脉动异常实时跟踪系统(RTTS) 被引量:1

The real-time tracking system of microseism changes before strong earthquakes in digital seismic network
摘要 通过计算机对数字地震台网产出的大动态、高分辨率、高精度的地震波形数据进行的定时采集部分数据跟踪分析,发现有些台站大震前地脉动波形的幅度和周期有明显异常变化,实时捕捉这些异常信息,把监测与预报研究相结合,将为区域性地震预报提供比较可靠的实证前兆信息。 By means of sampling and analyzing the real-time earthquake waveform data with high resolution and precision produced by the seismic digital monitor network, the authors discover that the period and amplitude of earth pulsation waveform have evidently changed before moderately strong earthquakes. The exploration of change characteristics and regularity of earth pulsation before moderately strong earthquake will provide reliable information for the regional earthquake prediction and research.
机构地区 辽宁省地震局
出处 《地震》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期49-55,共7页 Earthquake
基金 地震科学联合基金项目(105131)
关键词 数字地震资料 地脉动异常 地震预测 Digital seismic information Earth pulsation change characteristics Seismic prediction method
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