
Mathesis Perennis: Mathematics in Ancient, Renaissance, and Modern Times 被引量:2

Mathesis Perennis: Mathematics in Ancient, Renaissance, and Modern Times
摘要 Approaching Antiquity: Archimedes and the Fields MedalSince 1936 the so-called Fields Medal “is awarded every four years on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians to recognize outstanding achievement for existing work and for the promise of future achievement” (http://www.mathunion.org/medals/Fields/index.html).It replaces the non-existing Nobel prize for mathematicians. Up until 2005 it has been awarded 44 times. Since 1936 the so-called Fields Medal “is awarded every four years on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians to recognize outstanding achievement for existing work and for the promise of future achievement” ( http ://www. mathunion, org/medals/Fields/ index, html). It replaces the non-existing Nobel prize for mathematicians. Up until 2005 it has been awarded 44 times.
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第B07期10-22,共13页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
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  • 1Anderson, Alexander. 1616. Vindiciae Archimedis. Paris.
  • 2Chang, Kenneth. 2004. In Math, Computers Don't Lie or Do They? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker- Vereinigung, 12 : 178 - 180.
  • 3Einstein, Albert. Geometrie und Erfahrung. Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, 1921. pp. 123 - 130 ( Reprint Berlin 1978 ).
  • 4Guldin, Paul. 1635- 1641. De centro gravitatis. Vienna.
  • 5Hardy, Godefrey Harold. 1969. A mathematician's apology, with a foreword by C. P. Snow. Cambridge.
  • 6Kepler, Johannes. 1609. Astronomia nova aitiologetos, seu physica coelestis. Prag. Ⅰ cite the reprint in : Johannes Kepler, Gesammehe Werke, vol. Ⅲ, ed. by Max Caspar. Miinchen 1937.
  • 7Kepler, Johannes. 1611. Strena seu de Nive sexangula. Frankfurt. Ⅰ cite the reprint in : Johannes Kepler, Gesammehe Werke, vol. Ⅳ, ed. by Max Caspar and Franz Hammer. Munich 1941. 259 -280.
  • 8Kepler, Johannes. 1615. Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum etc. Accessit stereometriae Archimedeae supplementum. Linz. Ⅰ cite the reprint in: Johannes Kepler, Gesarmnelte Werke, vol. IX Mathematische Schriften, ed. by Franz Hammer. Miinchen 1960, 5 -133.
  • 9Knobloch, Eberhard. 1998. The Fields Medal. www. mathunion, org/medals/Fields/Fielda/index, html.
  • 10Knobloch, Eberhard. 1999. Im freiesten Streifzug des Geistes (Liberrimo mentis discursu) : Zu den Zielen und Methoden Leibnizscher Mathematik. In: Wissenschaft und Wehgestaltung, Intemationales Symposium zum 350. Geburtstag von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, hrsg. von Kurt Nowak und Hans Poser. Hildesheim etc. , 211 -229.











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