
分子佐剂C3d的研究进展 被引量:2

Advances of Molecular Adjuvant C3d
摘要 C3d是补体C3不可再被酶解的最小片段,在抗原特异性免疫建立之前,C3d可识别非己抗原并与之共价结合,增强了抗原递呈细胞的递呈能力、降低了B细胞的活化阈、提高特异性抗体的滴度、促进抗体亲和力成熟等。近年来研究显示,C3d还可以促进抗原特异性细胞免疫应答水平并改变机体免疫应答模式。所以,C3d是连接固有性免疫和获得性免疫的桥梁。本文对C3d的分子生物学特征、生物学功能以及作为分子佐剂可能的分子机制进行了简要总结。 C3d is the least fragment of C3 and can not be hydrolysed any more by enzyme. Before the estamblishment of immune response of specific antigen, C3d can recognize non-self antigen and link to covelantly. It significantly enhances the capability of presenting antigen of antigen-prestenting cells, decreases the thresold of activating B cells, increases the titer of specific antibodies and promotes the mature of antibodies. Recent studies have revealed that C3d also enhances cellular immnune response and changes the model of immune response. So C3d acts as the linkage between innate immune syetem and adaptive immune system via specific receptors. In this paper, its characteristics of molecular biology, biologic functions and molecular mechanisms as molecular adjuvant were summarized.
作者 房雪峰 窦骏
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2005年第4期426-428,共3页 Letters in Biotechnology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30271212)
关键词 C3D 免疫应答 分子机制 C3d immune response molecular mechanism
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