目的探讨老年患者行LC的围手术期安全性。方法回顾性研究3 821例老年患者行LC的临床资料。结果 经围手术期认真准备和处理, 3 742行LC成功,疗效满意;中转开腹手术48例;胆管损伤4例,术后出血3例,胃肠损伤2例, 1例并发脑出血, 3例并发心衰, 3例并发上消化道出血或应激性溃疡;因心衰和上消化道出血各死亡1例。结论 经术前认真处理伴发病并严格掌握适应证,术后周密护理和积极处理突发的意外,老年患者行LC是安全的。
Aim To discuss the security during perioperative of laparoscopic eholecystectomy (LC) in aged patients. Methods The clinical data of 3,821 aged patients who received laparoseopic cholecystectomy were analyzed retrospectively, Results Among 3 821 cases ,3 742 cases were successfully operated ,48 cases were converted to open cholecystectomy because of inflammatory adhesion; bile duct injury in 4 cases, hemorrhage after operation occurred in 3 cases, gastro-intestinal injury in 2 cases, intracranial hemorrhage in 1 case, heart failure in 3 cases, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage or stress ulcer in 3 cases; 2 cases died of heart failure and upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Conclusion With strict indication and dealing with accompany diseases carefully before operation, tending carefully and dealing with syndrome actively, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe for aged patients.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal