充分利用中国丰富的秸秆资源发展节粮型草食畜牧业是中国畜牧业发展的重要方向.针对目前秸秆氨化技术存在的问题,开展了10多年的整秸秆氨化饲料技术创新研究,研究结果表明,整秸秆氨化饲料比传统地窖氨化饲料,蛋白质含量提高了1.33~1.46倍;饲料呈黄褐色,伴有爆米花香带酸甜味的酥脆感;牛羊采食量提高15%,消化率提高45%;每头牛每年节约饲料费500元、纯收入1200元左右.这一技术在山西省和海南省的不同地区进行了试验示范,不同作物的蛋白质含量基本稳定在10.5~11.06 g/kg.其广泛适应于中国不同类型区,对充分利用秸秆资源、促进中国规模化草食畜牧业发展具有重要作用.
It is very important for development of stock raising to feed cow and sheep using abundant crop straw in China. For overcoming problems existing in straw amination, whole crop straw amination have been studied since 1993. The results showed that this amination technique compared with traditional amination with silo increased straw protein content by 33% to 46%, daily meal for cow and sheep by 15% and digestion rate by 45%. Color, luster and flavor of aminated straw are improved. This technique can save cost of fodder by 500 yun per cow per year and increase profit by 1000 yuan. This technique has been demonstrated in different region in Shanxi province and Hainan province in China. The protein of straw aminated is about 10.5-11.06 g/kg. There is a great potential for this technique to application in large area.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin