在2005春夏的奢侈品广告中,来自波兰的模特Daria Werbowy那张还略显稚嫩的脸庞频繁出镜,她独特的魅力赢得了Chanel、Prada.Missoni及Zara的青睐,但属于她的成功还远不止这些。著名化妆品品牌Lancome刚刚和Daria签订合约,邀请她代言品牌冬季的新款香水,具体的计划和香型均未透露,但是毋庸置疑,这将是一次令人期待的亮相。
In the advertisement of the luxurious products in the Spring and Summer of 2005, Polish model Daria Werbowy appears on TV frequently, her unique charming get the cooperation of Chanel, Prada, Missoni and Zara. Famous cosmetic brand Lancome comes to agreement with Daria and without doubt, this is another expecting show to the public.
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