1700年了!这座乌江边上的古镇! 她藏匿在渝黔(以前是川黔)交界的大山里。乌江水道是她惟一与外界相连的途径。然而,仅在通往涪陵的188公里航道上,便密布着222道险滩,还有乱石如林,惊涛似雪……
Gongtan Ancient Town,which is located in the mountains,has remained unknown to the outside world for over 1700 years. Wujiang waterway is the only route connecting the town with the external world. By the end of the 20th century,some urban people happened to come to the rural area to enjoy the nature or for recreation. Thus, the pure and unsophisticated place was discovered and the fame of the ancient townhas spread far and wide ever since then.
Chinese Handicraft