
胎儿血生理指标检测及在产前诊断的研究 被引量:5

Detection of hematological parameters in fetal blood and use in diagnosis of fetal disease
摘要 目的了解胎儿血液常规指标参考范围及其在各孕周变化规律,为胎儿宫内疾病诊断提供线索。方法应用全自动血液分析仪对135例孕18~39w(并经随访正常)胎儿脐血进行白细胞总数(WBC)及中性粒细胞分类(NEU%)、淋巴细胞分类(LYM%)、单核细胞分类(MONO%)、嗜酸性白细胞分类(EOS%)、嗜硷性白细胞分类(BASO%)和红细胞数(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、血球压积(HCT)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、血小板(PLT)等检测。结果胎儿血各生理指标多与出生后水平显著差异[1],其中WBC、NEU%、MONO%、HGB、HCT、数值在各孕周有显著差异,随孕周增加而升高;LYM%、MCV数值在各孕周显著差异为随孕周增加而下降;HGB、EOS%也随孕周增加上升,但幅度不显著;BASO%、PLT再各孕周变化不大。结论胎儿血常规指标随孕周变化,在诊断胎儿贫血、出血、炎症有重要参考价值。 Objective :To construct reference ranges for fetal leukocyte, neutrophilic leukocyte %, leukomonocyte %, monocyte %, eosinpohilic leukocyte %, basophillc leukocyte %, hemocyle, hematoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volum, blood platelet. Methods and Results : Leukocyte, neutrophilic leukocyte %, leukomonocyte %, monocyte %, eosinophilic leukocyte %, basophilic leukocyte %, hemocyte hematoglobin, he matocrit, mean corpuscular volume, blood platelet were determined from 135 fetal blood samples 18 ~ 39 weeks' gestation. Pure fetal blood was obtained by cordocentesis under continuous ultrasound guidance. Conclusion: with the exception blood platelet and eosinophilic leukocyte %, All of hematological parameters change with gestation age, All the reference ranges of fetal hematological will improve our knowledge of fetal medicine and useful in diagnosis of fetal disease .
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2005年第8期57-58,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 胎血 生理指数 产前诊断 Pure fetal blood Hematological parameters reference ranger Prenatal diagnosis
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