
Selection of Suitable Parents in the Development of Potato Hybrids in Bangladesh

Selection of Suitable Parents in the Development of Potato Hybrids in Bangladesh
摘要 Ten crosses involving seven parents crossed in line ×tester design were studied for main stem height.plant-1,main stem leaves.plant-1,stems.plant-1,plant weight.plant-1,average tuber weight.plant-1 and tuber dry matter %in F1 generation.The additive gene action was found to be more important for the characters,main stem height.plant-1,main stem leaves.plant-1,stems.plant-1,plant weight.plant-1,and average tuber weight.plant-1.Among seven parents,Lal-silbilati,Lalpakri and Ausha were good combiners for the characters,main stem height.plant-1,main stem leaves.plant-1andaverage tuber weight.plant-1,respectively.For average tuber weight.plant-1,the crosses Patnae/TPS-67 and Lalpakri/TPS-13 showed significant positive specific combining ability effects.Ausha/TPS-67 showed significant positive specific com-bining ability effects for main stem leaves.plant-1. Ten crosses involving seven parents crossed in line × tester design were studied for main stem height·plant^-1, main stem leaves·plant^-1, stems·plant^-1, plant weight^-1plant^-1, average tuber weight·plant^-1 and tuber dry matter % in F1 generation. The additive gene action was found to be more important for the characters, main stem height·plant^-1, main stem leaves·plant^-1, stems·plant^-1, plant weight·plant^-1, and average tuber weight·plant^-1 Among seven parents, Lalsilbilati, Lalpakri and Ausha were good combiners for the characters, main stem height·plant^-1, main stem leaves·plant^-1 arid average tuber weight·plant^-1, respectively. For average tuber weight·plant^-1, the crosses Patnae/TPS-67 and Lalpakri/TPS- 13 showed significant positive specific combining ability effects. Ausha/TPS-67 showed significant positive specific combining ability effects for main stem leaves·plant^-1.
机构地区 DepartmentofBotany
出处 《中国马铃薯》 2005年第4期193-197,共5页 Chinese Potato Journal
关键词 孟加拉国 马铃薯 杂种优势 杂交组合 选择性 combining ability selection potato
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