
面向有差异群体的联合决策方案 被引量:1

A Joint Decision-Making Scheme for Groups with Members Having Different Superiorities
摘要 公平性、透明性是联合决策的基本安全需求.结合多机构商务合作背景,利用具有同态性质的Paillier公钥密码系统和门限密码技术,提出了面向有差异群体的联合决策策略与方案,并对其安全性进行了分析和证明. The basic requirements of joint decision-making are fairness and transparency. In this paper, combined with commercial background, a joint decision-making policy and scheme for groups with members having different superiorities is proposed by using PaiUier public key eryptosystem with homeostasis quality based on threshold technique. The newly presented threshold scheme is also proved and examined.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期1523-1528,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家973课题项目(No.G1999035802) 国家自然科学基金项目(No.60373039) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目(No.90304007) 国家863课题项目(No.2004AA147070)
关键词 联合决策 元权限 Paillier公钥密码系统 门限密码系统 joint decision-making meta-permission paillier public-key cryptosystem threshold cryptosystem
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