

The LNG market
摘要 Drewry在满足客户个性化需求的咨询项目上具备丰富的经验。在其建业的三十年中,Drewry为来自逾80个国家的客户提供了优质的咨询服务。Drewry咨询公司是位于伦敦的国际海事业独立组织的重要组成部分。创始于1970年,她作为一间值得信赖的专业顾问公司,在国际海运界享有盛誉。同时,Drewry也以其独树一帜的海运信息及相关研究而广为业界赞誉。今天,她本着创新与务实并存的态度,建立发展了与其全球客户一体化的关系网。在过去的三十年中,Drewry依靠其国际海运业方面的优势,及其庞大的内部信息库,广泛的专业人才及丰富的国际经验,在致力为客户度身订作方案的同时,为海运业各界建立了一个知识与人才的网络。 The natural gas market is one of thefastest growing sectors of the energyindustry. While pipeline natural gas remains the primary method oftransporting gas, gas shipped in LNG form now accounts for over27% of total trade, compared to just 6.5% in 1970. LNG demandgrowth over the last ten years has averaged 7.3% per annum andover the last five years it has been even better at 8.4%. LNG demandin 2003 grew 13% while there was also a surge in demand from theòmatureó Japanese market due to the shut down of nuclear reactorsand continued rapid growth in the Spanish market.The global population growth, which is increasing at a rate of90 million people per year, coupled with the continued demand growthin the power sector, and the quest for cleaner energy, are expected tobring about a continued growth in LNG demand. Not only will LNGdemand grow on an absolute basis, but it will grow on a relativebasis as it takes an increasingshare of the world energymix. The economics of LNGhave seen a transformation inrecent years by a significantreduction in costs. New gasfinds, improved technology,greater efficiency, largertrain sizes and intensifiedcompetition along the LNGsupply chain has made LNGincreasingly competitive.While shipping costs willco nt in ue to be a k eychallenge to the future LNGindustry, with improvedt e c h n o l o g y , f u r t h e rderegulation in the gasm a r k e t , i n c r e a s e dcompetition among bothshipowners and shipbuilders,we perceive there will be acontinued reduction in LNGtransportation costs. Thereare many reasons behind theadvance of the short-termmarket. However, the overall cost reduction of an LNG project meansthat both the buyers and sellers have less incentive to lock in to long-term contracts, and suppliers don?t necessarily need full capacity salesto turn a profit. Another reason for the increase in the short-termmarket is that buyers are demanding a more flexible approach toprocurement and cheaper supplies. This has lead LNG buyers tosearch for an alternative to the long-term inflexible contracts. This shows that the short-term market is almost at a stage of self-perpetuation. A need for cheaper supplies, more flexible procurementand reduced project costs will continue to see the short-term marketgrow at the expense of longer fixed contracts. This new marketstructure will bring enhanced profits and increased opportunities forthe shipping industry as well.
作者 江羽
出处 《中国远洋航务公告》 2005年第8期30-32,共3页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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