
大斜度井钻井液侵入储层电测井模拟算法研究 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of drilling fluid invasion and electrical logging measurements in highly-deviated wells.
摘要 大斜度井的钻井液侵入机理及电阻率特征是当今测井理论研究的一个重要课题。通过查阅近年来国内外有关这方面的文献,系统总结了该领域的研究现状及进展情况,并对大斜度井电阻率测井响应理论模型和大斜度井电阻率测井响应算法进行了分析与对比,认为目前大斜度井的电测井资料解释仍然以直井理论为基础,由此也限制了以电测井为主的储层评价及相关的地质研究。根据大斜度井电阻率测井响应模拟存在的问题,提出了改进的算法。 Study of drilling fluid invasion and resistivity characteristics of reservoir in highly-deviated well has become an important task of modern well-logging theoretical research. On the basis of a review for related literatures, this paper systematically summarized the current research status in this field. By an analysis of the theoretical models and computing methodologies of highly-deviated resistivity log responses , the author found that the interpretation of e-lectrical logging measurements from highly-deviated wells is still based on vertical well theory, which restricts the reservoir evaluation and related geologic research. Improved algorithms were proposed.
出处 《勘探地球物理进展》 2005年第4期246-249,257,共5页 Progress in Exploration Geophysics
关键词 电阻率测井 大斜度井 钻井液侵入 电测井模拟 resistivity log highly-deviated well drilling fluid invasion numerical simulation of electrical log
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