
玻璃体腔注入SF_6治疗黄斑部视网膜下出血 被引量:1

Treating submacular hemorrhage with intravitreal injection of gas SF_6
摘要 目的探讨玻璃体腔注入SF6治疗黄斑部视网膜下出血的效果。设计非对照病例研究。研究对象黄斑部大面积视网膜下出血患者10例。方法根据出血量,由同一术者经睫状体扁平部向玻璃体腔注入100%SF60.3~0.6ml,观察出血变化。主要指标视力、出血移动的幅度。结果10例患者的黄斑部出血均不同程度地移位至黄斑区以外,视力由手术前的手动~0.01提高至手术后的0.1~0.3。随访3个月,有2例视力达到0.5。结论玻璃体腔注入惰性气体可安全有效地治疗早期黄斑出血。 Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of treating the acute submacular hemorrhage with intravitreal injection of gas SF6 Design Noncomparative, interventional case series. Participants 10 patients with the acute submacular hemorrhage. Methods Patients were treated with intravitreal injection of 100 % SF6 0.3-0.6ml according to the dose of submacular hemorrhage. The position change of submacular hemorrhage was observed. Main Outcome Measures Visual acuity, the position of submacular hemorrhage. Results The position of submacular hemorrhage were displaced away from macula in 10 patients. Postoperative visual acuity (0.1 to 0.3) of all patients were improved compared with preoperative one (hand move to 0.01 ). With 3 months follow-up, visual acuity in 2 of 10 patients achieved 0.5. Conclusions Intravitreal injection of gas SF6 is effective and safe for the acute submacular hemorrhage.
出处 《眼科》 CAS 2005年第4期255-257,共3页 Ophthalmology in China
关键词 黄斑出血/治疗 玻璃体腔注射 SF6 submacular hemorrhage/therapy intravitreal injection SF6
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