尽管Brightly和Leitner这两个名字给人以光明闪耀的印象,但这里要讲的却是黑暗的故事.WayneBrightly是纽约市以作曲家JohnPhilio Sousa名字命名的中学的社会学教师,他成绩不良的记录十分惹眼,包括多次未通过教师资格认证考试.Rubin Leitner曾经是流浪汉,据报道还患有Asperger综合症,这是一种发育障碍,其特征是"过分专注于某些事物,人际关系差,存在沟通障碍"--根据本人2003年10月的<反重力思考>专栏中的介绍.
Despite their names-Brightly and Leitner-this is a dark story. Wayne Brightly was a social studies teacher at the John Philip Sousa School in New York City, with a conspicuous record of nonachievement that included multiple failures of his teaching certification exam. Rubin Leitner had spent part of his life homeless and reportedly has Asperger's syndrome, a developmental disorder marked by “an obsessive focus on a subject of interest, poor relationships and communication diffi-culties” according to, well, me, in the Anti Gravity of August 2003.
Scientific American