Objective To investigate the natural results of IGR and to compare the correlation factor between IFG and IGT. Methods We choosed 329 patients without any therapy, let them take OGTT and other test again 3 years later, analysed the results. Results I-IFG annual transformation rate to DM is 10.35%, I-IGT annual transformation rate to DM is 11.9% , IFG/IGT transformatiormrate to DM is 20%. Compared with I-IGT, I-IFG patients had a younger age of onset, a smaller body mass index, smaller waist circumference, less fat, lower degree of blood pressure and cholesterol(P〈0.05). Conclusion IGT and IFG are relative to diabetic risk, the most dangerous factor is population with IGT and IFG. I-IFG have a lower insulin resistance.
Journal of Medical Forum