
德国GPS在线位移监控和预警系统工作原理与工程应用 被引量:1

Principle of the German GPS-Based Online Control and Alarm Systems and the Application in Engineering
摘要 德国GPS在线位移监控和预警系统,除了可以进行GPS测量和数据处理外,还可给出观测点的实时三维位移数据、位移速度和位移加速度,绘出分析曲线,其划量精度达毫米级,并可根据预先设定的破坏概率自动报警。该系统可预测和预警自然灾害如滑坡、泥石流、地震等;在矿山开采作业中,可对矿坑、尾矿坝及采空区的地表塌陷进行监控;可用于岩土工程和土木工程建设中的高边坡、建筑物、基坑、挡土墙以及塔楼和桥梁高频率运动的监测;可广泛应用于水利工程建设,如大坝、大堤位移和沉陷的监控等。在道路建设中,可应用于隧道开挖、路堤沉陷和桥梁位移的观测。 The German GPS-based online control and alarm systems(GOCA) can be used not only for the GPS-surveying and data processing, but also for the description of the 3d-movements(rate, acceleration of the deformation) of the observation station in every time and the measurement curve. With an accuracy of millimeter, the system can give an alarm according to set probability. The GOCA deals with the application of the satellite system GPS for the online monitoring of movements of the earths surface. Besides the application in the domain of prevention of natural desasters(landslide monitoring, volcano monitoring,earthquake prediction), GOCA is also designed for the online monitoring and alerting in the case of safetyrelevant buildings and geotechnical installations such as dams.
作者 项伟 R.Jger
出处 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第B07期126-128,共3页 Geological Science and Technology Information
关键词 德国GPS 在线监测 位移 预警系统 大坝 German GPS online control movement alarm system dam
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