
天津市蓟县桑梓村40岁及以上人群中青光眼患病率调查 被引量:13

Prevalence of Glaucoma in Sangzi village,Ji county of Tianjin aged 40 years and above
摘要 目的调查天津蓟县桑梓村40岁及以上人群中青光眼的患病率。方法2003年1~3月,对天津蓟县桑梓村1987人进行青光眼的普查,每一位受检者接受了问卷调查、视力、色觉、眼前节检查、前房深度、眼压测量及眼底检查,部分接受了倍频视野仪、Goldmann前房角镜及中心视野检查。结果1701人完成了检查,受检率为85.61%。青光眼患病率为1.59%,原发性闭角型青光眼为1.12%,原发性开角型青光眼为0.35%,继发性青光眼为0.12%;高龄、有青光眼家族史者原发性青光眼患病率较高。所检出的27例青光眼患者中,有19例视功能有一定程度的损伤,其中6例双眼盲,5例单眼盲,4例双眼低视力,4例单眼低视力;19例视力损伤中13例患者年龄≥70岁。结论青光眼引起的视功能损伤是十分严重的,高龄伴有青光眼家族史的人群应定期随访。 Objective To estimate the prvealence of glaucoma in Sangzi village, Ji county of Tianjin aged 40 years and above. Methods All 1987 subjects residing in Sangzi village, Ji county were enrolled to undergo an ophthalmologie examination from January to March in 2003. Ophthalmologie examinations were performed including the following tests: measurement of visual acuity, color vision test, intraocular pressure (IOP), examination of anterior segment, estimation of depth of the anterior chamber, evaluation of the op- tie disc. For some examinee, provocative test, frequency doubling perimetry (FDP) test, gonioscopy and examination the visual field were performed. Results In the survey, 1701 individuals were enumerated, the response rate was 85.61%. The prevalence of glaucoma is 1.59% ; the prevalence of primary angle closure glaucoma, primary open angle glaucoma and secondary glaucoma is 1.12 %, 0.35 % and 0.12 %. The visual function of 19 glaucoma patients was damage in certain degree. There were 6 bilateral blindness, 5 unilateral blindness, 4 bilateral low vision and 4 unilateral vision glaucoma patients. Among the glaucoma patients, 13 patients were 70 years or above. Conclusions All glaucoma patients were 40 years or above. Glaucoma is a serious eye disease leading to blindness.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期782-784,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
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