
一种描述逻辑与DL-safe规则复合逻辑中的规则抽取方法 被引量:1

Rule Extraction in Combining Description Logics with DL-safe Rules
摘要 OWL本体描述语言包含相对丰富的概念定义符,但提供的关系定义符描述能力则较差。将 OWL与规则相结合是克服这种表达能力限制的一种常用方法。Motik提出了一种可判定的方法,将SHIQ(D)描述逻辑与规则结合,所结合的规则限定在一种叫做DL-safe规则的范围内。本文提出了一种抽取DL-safe规则的方法,方法利用SHIQ(D)逻辑中的UNION定义符满足一些规则在前件中包含析取逻辑运算符的需求,从而扩展了规则的描述能力。 Although the ontology languages like OWL include a relatively rich set of class constructors, it provides much weaker constructors for roles. One way to overcome this expressive limitation of OWL would be to extend it with rules. Motik presented a decidable combination of SHIQ(D)with rules, where decidability is due to restricting the rules to so-called DL-safe ones. In the paper, an approach for extracting new DL-safe rules is proposed. The approach makes use of the disjunctive constructor in SHIQ(D)to satisfy some kinds of rules with disjunction in their antecedents. And the new rules are DL-safe ones too.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期121-123,共3页 Computer Science
基金 自然科学基金编号:60443002
关键词 描述逻辑 DL-safe规则 OWL 语义网 抽取方法 safe 复合 概念定义 能力限制 逻辑运算符 Description logics, DL-safe rule, OWL, Semantic web
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