

Estimation of heritability for reproductive traits of Corricle sheep
摘要 将考力代绵羊离散繁殖性状配合阈模型,分别用单性状和多性状Gibbs抽样估计遗传力。多性状Gibbs抽样时,一次对两个性状进行抽样,遗传力最后取其平均值。并用多种方法对Gibbs链的收敛进行诊断。结果表明单性状和多性状分析下的产羔数、活羔数、受精力、妊娠维持和多胎性的遗传力分别为0.097±0.052、0.100±0.036、0.119±0.058、0.103±0.043、0.130±0.041和0.305±0.049、0.296±0.047、0.016±0.012、0.015±0.010、0.261±0.045。 Threshold model was used for dispersed reproductive traits of Corridale sheep. Single trait and multiple traits Gibbs sampling were used to estimate genetic parameters for the traits. In multiple traits Gibbs sampling two traits were considered once, estimates of heritability was averaged. Various Gibbs convergence diagnostic methods were used to supervise the convergence of Gibbs chains. The heritabilities for single trait and multiple traits Gibbs sampling of litter size, lamb survival, fertility, pregnancy maintenance and prolificacy were 0.097±0.052、0.100±0.036、0.119±0.058、0.103±0.043,and 0.130±0.041和0.305±0.049、0.296±0.047、0.016±0.012、0.015±0.010 and 0.261±0.045separately.
作者 王改芳
出处 《畜禽业》 2005年第9期32-33,共2页 Livestock and Poultry Industry
关键词 绵羊 考力代 繁殖性状 阈模型 GIBBS抽样 sheep 、Corridale 、reproductive traits、threshold modle、Gibbs sampling
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