
钙钛矿型固体电解质材料的研究进展 被引量:2

Progress on Perovskite-type Solid Electrolyte Materials
摘要 钙钛矿型材料是近些年来人们发现的离子导电率较高的固体电解质材料。本文将钙钛矿型固体电解质材料分为氧离子导电型和氢离子导电型两种类型,分别介绍了它们的导电机理及近期研究进展。 Perovskite-type material is a kind of Solid Electrolyte found by people in recent years which has higher ionic conductivity. These materials were divided into two types: oxide-ionic conductor and protonic conductor, their mechanism of ionic conduction and research progress are reviewed in this paper.
出处 《山东陶瓷》 CAS 2005年第4期6-8,14,共4页 Shandong Ceramics
关键词 钙钛矿 固体电解质 离子导电 Perovskite Solid Electrolyte Ionic Conductor
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