Once the great dam of the Three Gorge;is built,the inundated land will cover area of 3260hm’,with agricultural population of 36500 in Fengjie County;According to the emigrant principle for usettledown near the inundated area and moving backward on the spot”,the central part of Fengjie County wasdetermined as settle-down area. The investigation results show that the land in the settle-down area coverarea of 46400hm2.With area under cultivation of l5400hm2. and garden area of 3400hm2.Chief soil-formingmother materials are divided into five groups with 73 soil species,SoiI texture is mostly loam, SoiI nutrientcontent is generally medium. Soil pH range is from acidity to weak alkaline. At present,there are 800hm2.waste land suitable for farming, 467hm2.for garden,4200hm2.for forestation and 8400hm’.low yieldfarmland.The measures for development and utilization of the land resources in the resettlement area are(l)to top the latent power of land resources and to utilize land comprehensively,(2)to strengthen the work offarmland capital construction and soil and water conservation and to lmprove land capability and soil fertilitythrough changing slope land into terrace land,(3) to edjl1st crop patterns, stabilize grain yield and expandeconomic forest such as citrus etc. and cash crops such as vegetables and oil crops etc.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
Land resources,development and utilization,Fengjie County,emigrant,settle-down area