
中蜂越夏及秋季繁殖试验 被引量:2

Experiment of Summering and Autumn Breeding of Chinese Bees
摘要 在贵州锦屏进行的中蜂越夏及秋繁试验表明,4框以上的群势越夏较为安全。越夏期间每框足蜂约需补喂白糖1.5公斤。越夏后,蜂群群势约下降1/3左右。蜂群在越夏期间飞逃的主要原因是缺蜜及巢虫危害。当地中蜂在秋季大流蜜初期发生分蜂,分蜂群势均为8框足蜂以上,7框左右不分群。为控制不同起繁群势的蜂群在秋季大流蜜初期正好繁殖到7框左右,不致因分蜂影响秋冬蜜的采集,应分期起步秋繁。根据本试验所建秋季起繁群势(x)与达7框群势所需繁殖天数(y)之间的回归直线方程推算,在起繁群势为1~5框蜂量时,最适的秋繁开始期,1框群为7月31日,2框群8月10日……蜂群的基础群势每增加一框,则秋繁开始期应相应推迟10~11天。 In an experiment of summering and autumn breeding of Chinese bees in Jingping County,Guizhou Province it was shown that summering was safe when the colony strength was kept above 4 frames. During summering period, eack normal frame of bees needed a supply of about I . 5 kg of sugar. The colony strength dropped to 2/3 of the original after summering. The main factor to cause absconding during summering was short of honey or harm by great wax-moths.Swarms of local Chinese bees in Jingping County occur at the initial stage of major nector flow in autum. The average strength is somewhere above 8 fully-occupied frames. If the colony consists of about 7 frames or less, there will be no new swarm. So, to cotrol colonies with different strength frames to make them reath approximately 7 frames at the initial stage of major nector flow in autumn,a strength that will not produce new swarm and thus not affect honey collection in autumn and winter, it is necessary to begin autumn breeding at different times in cotonies of different strength.On the basis of the experiment, we have established a regression linear equation to show the relationship between the strength of a colonyto begin autumn breeing (X) and the days to be needed for it increasing to 7 frames (Y) . Calculations show that when the colony strength is 1-5 frames, the best beginning dates for autumn breeding of the colony will respectively be July 31 for 1-frame strength, August 10 for 2-frame strength… This suggests that when the number of the strength frame is increased by 1, the time to begin autumn breeding should be postponed correspondingly for 10-11 days.
出处 《中国养蜂》 1996年第2期3-6,共4页 Apiculture of China
关键词 中华蜜蜂 越夏 秋季繁殖 Chinese bee, summering, autumn breeding, colonu strength to begin breeding,best time to begin autumn breeding, regression Linear equation
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