The Red Army's Long March was a strategic shift forced to take. At that time, the central Government and Red Army was in the rarely - seen adversity, having no foothold in Suqu ( the area previously controlled and influenced under Red Army), being surrounded and driven heavily by National Party' s army led by JIANG Kai - shi, guiding of WANG Ming' s leftist line, threatening of ZHANG Guo - tao' s separatism, the natural barrier of long rivers, and the difficulty of uninhabited zones among snow mounts and grassy marshy land. The central committee of the Party and Red Army chose wisely and bravely going north to fight against Japanese invaders as the goal of strategic shift, took "Keeping away from strong enemy and outflanking to go north" as the line of strategic shift, utilized Shanbei as strategic foothold and grasped the best moment to correct the leftist and rightist wrongs, and thus to provide the strategic space and lay important foundations for the victory of the Long March and revolution cause of the Party and army.
Academic Exploration