
兔抗禽源大肠埃希氏菌O79-g分离株微孔蛋白抗体的制备与检测 被引量:3

Prepration and Detection of Rabbit Antisera to Porins Derived from E. coli O78-g Isolate of Chicken Origin
摘要 微孔蛋白是禽源大肠埃希氏菌的致病因子和保护性抗原。本文用电洗脱法获得禽源大肠埃希氏菌O78-g分离株的两种微孔蛋白(porin1和porin2),以皮内多点法免疫家兔,4周后加强免疫一次,采血测得其ELISA效价分别达1:12800和1:6400。在琼扩反应中,porin2免疫兔血清与变性的外胰蛋价(QMPs)间出现了沉淀线,琼扩效时为1:2,该血清与未变性的OMPs间无反应;porin1免疫兔血清与任一OMPs间均未产生沉淀线。 2 porins were eluted electrophoretically from SDS-PAGE gel carrying outer membrance proteins (OMPs) of Escherichia coli O78-g isolate of chicken origin. 200μg of each porin was emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant and injected into a rabbit intradermally, over a number of sites 4 weeks later, same dose of each porin was injected intravenously without any adjuvant. Rabbits were bred after a week from the second immunization,and sera were collected respectively. In Ouchterlong test. 1 : 2 precipitation titre was detected between SDS-treated OMPs and the sera from the rabbit immunizied with porin 2. No precipitin line was observed between native OMPs and the same serum,while the serum from the rabbit immunized with porin 1 did not form any precipitin lines against both 2 OMPs in Ouchterlong test. With native OMPs as coating antigen,the ELISA titres of the sera from rabbits immunized with porin 1 and porin 2 were 1 : 12800 and 1 : 6400 respectively.
出处 《中国畜禽传染病》 CSCD 1996年第2期19-22,共4页
基金 国家自然科学基金 江苏省教委自然科学基金
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