
宋代图书展览会——“曝书会”考略 被引量:7

Airing Books Gathering:An Institution in the Song Dynasty
摘要 夏秋曝晒图书,以去蠹防虫蛀霉变,是我国古代很早就有的保护图书的方法。汉代以后,更有七月七日曝衣物图书的节令性习俗风尚;至宋代,由君臣们去馆阁观书逐渐演变为一年一度有组织的“岁于仲夏曝书则给酒食费,谏官、御史及待制以上官毕赴”的曝书会,成为图书展览会性质的文化盛会。这是中国古代藏书史乃至文化史上的一大创举,从一个侧面反映了宋代社会浓厚的文化氛围。 Airing books in the sun during the early autumn to prevent moth and mold was the seasonal custom dating from ancient times. It was also the time-honored tradition or method to preserve books. The Double Seventh Day (the 7th day of the 7th lunar month) was specially set aside for that. In the Song Dynasty, for example, scholar-bureaucrats would follow suit, as recorded in ancient books, including those by the noted Song writers Su Shi and Song Feigun. Su Shi and Sima Guang (a politician and writer of the same dynasty) aired their books at that time, too. Airing books became an institution especially after the national library of the Song Dynasty was established and had an ever more extensive collection. To preserve the collection well, the tradition was followed to air the books as well as painting and calligraphy. According to historical records, the special day for that became known as a large one-day-long gathering, at which middle- or high-ranking officials and scholar-bureaucrats in the capital would meet, enjoyed looking at books while eating and drinking. That was why the gathering was called “Airing Books Gathering” or “Airing Books Banquet”. Finally, they would sign their names on a posted list. Having turned the airing books activity into an annual official cultural activity, the national library held such gatherings throughout the dynasty except for a few occasions. Historically, it was an unprecedented undertaking and significant event in terms of book collection and cultural development. It provided scholarbureaucrats with a good opportunity to meet once a year to watch the national best collection. The gathering embodied the policy of the regime to pay attention to the cultural development and talents.
作者 方建新
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第5期101-105,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学规划基金资助项目(05BZS018)
关键词 馆阁 曝书会 展览 national library airing books fair exhibition
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