
可食性膜在切分果蔬保鲜中的应用 被引量:1

Edible Films and Its Application on Fresh-cut Fruit and Vegetable
摘要 对可食性膜的种类、特性、保鲜机理及其在切分果蔬中的应用进行了综述,并阐述了可食性膜在发展中存在的问题,以期今后对可食性膜的研究探讨提供基础的理论借鉴。 With the rapid development of fresh-eut fruit and vegelable industry,study on the edible films is allracting more and more food scientists attention today.The edible films are widely recognized for their advantages,such as safe,non-poisonous and pollutionfree.In this paper,the saricties,propetties,mechanisms of keeping fresh,and applications of the edible films on fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are reviewed.The problems appearing in the development of edible films are also questioned.These can be helpful to the development of edilde films in the future.
出处 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 2005年第5期1-3,共3页 Storage and Process
关键词 切分果蔬 可食性膜 切分苹果片 切片胡萝卜 fresh-cut fruit and vegelable edible film fresh-cut apple,fresh-cut carrot
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