股指期货是在证券交易所上市还是在期货交易所上市, 国际上没有统一的惯例。本文根据我国目前证券市场发展状况,从股指期货全球的发展趋势、风险控制、运行成本、长远发展等几方面,分析我国推出股指期货交易地点的选择问题, 认为我国证券交易所推出股指期货要优于期货交易所推出股指期货。
It is not a universal experience whether to trade stock price index futures products on stock exchanges or futures exchanges. This article analyses where index futures are supposed to be traded in China based on development level of its stock market and issues regarding global development trend of index futures, risk control, operating cost and long-term development prospect and comes to the conclusion that stock exchanges are a better alternative.
Securities Market Herald