
55例婴幼儿低血糖的临床分析 被引量:1

A Clinical Analysis of 55 Cases Infants with Hypoglycemia
摘要 目的:探讨要幼儿低血糖的病因分类及实验室检测方法。方法:对2004年1月~2005年3月住院治疗的55例0~3岁低血糖患儿临床资料进行回顾分析。结果:0~28d31例,29d-1岁23例,1-3岁1例;0-28d患儿中早产因素最多见[24例(43.6%)],其次是低出生体重儿[23例(41.8%)];~1岁患儿中半乳糖血症最多见[8例(14.5%)],其次是肝糖原贮积症[4例(7.2%)];-3岁患儿中肝糖原贮积症[1例(1.8%)]。结论:婴幼儿低血糖以0-1岁年龄组为主。部分患儿低血糖发生时无任何临床表现,医师应提高警惕,及早诊断。29d-3岁年龄组发病通常有明确内分泌或代谢性疾病,病因以半乳糖血症,肝糖原贮积症为主。母乳喂养伴有腹泻、黄疸、肝大、肝功能异常的低血糖患儿,应警惕半乳糖血症。 Objective: To explore the clinical characteristics and common causes of infams hypoglycemia. Methods: 55 hypoglycemia infants aged from 0-3 years who were diagnosed and treated during Jan. 2004. 1 to Mar. 2005.3 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: 31 cases were 0-28 days old, 23 cases were 0-1 year old and 1 case was 1-3 years old; 17 (30. 9%) patients who were 0-28 days old were due to premature birth while 7 (12. 7%) of them were due to low-weight. 8 (14. 5%) of patients who were 0-1 year old were due to galactosemia while 5 (9. 1%) of them were due to hepatoglycogenosis. 1 (1.8%) patient who was 1-3 years old was due to hepatoglycogenosis. Condusion:. Most of the infant hypoglycemia patients were only 0-1 year old. Some of these infant patients had no clinical signs when they suffered hypoglycemia. Infants patients who were 29 days-3 years old usually had diseases of endocrine glands or metabolic diseases, the most common causes were galactosemia and hepatoglycogenosis. Galactosemia should be considered when a breast feeding infant hypoglycemia patient with diarrhea, jaundice, hepatomegaly and abnormal liver function.
出处 《中国临床医学》 北大核心 2005年第4期684-686,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 低血糖 婴幼儿 Hypoglycemia Infants
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