PGP算法是当前应用于电子邮件通信最流行的加密传输技术,本文在分析PGP加密算法核心技术基础上, 提出了以PGP为客户端加密算法,CA中心提供密钥管理和认证服务,符合RFC3156和ITU X.509行业标准的安全电子邮件系统的设计和实现方案。
The Pretty Good Privacy is one of the popular encryption algorithms applied in security Email communication. After analyzing the technology of the Pretty Good Privacy algorithms, we present the solution for the security E-mail system according to the RFC3156 and ITU X.509 protocols. In this system, the PGP8 works as the client encryption algorithms and the Certificate Authority provided keys management and authentication serve.
Information Security and Communications Privacy