

A System of Transporting Video Stream Based on Ethernet
摘要 介绍了一种在以太网上传输数字电视MPEG-2传送流的组播网络技术。该技术采用GMRP协议完成以太网二层组播自动注册;用虚拟局域网方法将数字电视网与计算机网络隔离;用以太网的优先级设置保证数字视频流的服务质量;用基于MAC帧传输TS的方法保证处理速度。给出了基于以太网传输数字电视MPEG-2传送流的方法,并介绍了用FPGA实现本方案的过程。 A muhicast network technology for transporting MPEG-2 transport stream of digital TV based on Ethernet is introduced. GMRP completes automatic registration of Ethernet layer 2 multicast; Virtual LAN method separates digital TV network from computer network; Ethernet prior configuration guarantees QoS of digital video stream; and a technique for transporting TS based on MAC frame guarantees processing speed. A method for transporting digital TV program in Ethernet is given, and a process for achieving the goal in FPGA is introduced.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2005年第7期71-74,共4页 Video Engineering
基金 科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目(04C26214210710)
关键词 MPEG-2标准 以太网 数据链路层 服务质量 FPGA方式 GARP组播注册协议 MPEG-2 Ethernet data link layer quantity of service FPGA GMRP
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