4Joel L.Kraemer,Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam:The Cultural Revival during the Buyid Age,Leiden,1986,p.51.
5Marion Farouk-Shglett and Peter Sluglett,Iraq since 1958:from Revolution to Dictatorship,KPI,London and New York,1987,p.194.
6Ofra Bengio,"Nation Building in Multiethnic Societies:The Case of Iraq",Edited by Ofra Bengio and Gabriel Ben-Dor,Mirorities and the State in the Arab World,Lynne Rienner Publishers,1999,p.151.
7Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,Westview Press,1985,p.282.
8Amatzia Baram,Culture,History and Ideology in the Formation of Ba'thist Iraq,1968-1989,St.Martin's Press,New York,1991,p.57.
9Adeed Dawisha,"Invoking the Spirit of Arabism:Islam in the Foreign Policy of Saddam's Iraq",Edited by Adeed Dawisha,Islam in Foreign Policy,Cambridge University Press,1983,p.114.
10Bassam Tibi,The challenge of Fundamentalism:Political Islam and the new world disorder,California University Press,1998,p.59.