
重大危险源评价指标体系的改进与应用实例 被引量:4

Modification of Risk Assessment Method of Major Hazard Installation and Its Case Study
摘要 从攻击者的角度分析工业设施(主要指化学物质或能量聚集的工业设施)固有特征中影响袭击目标选择的诸因素,提出易受攻击性指标,将人为破坏(恐怖袭击)引发事故的风险纳入重大危险源评价的研究范畴,对现有的事故易发性评价指标体系进行改进,并通过某化工企业原料罐区的评价实例对改进前后的评价结果作了比较分析. On the basis of relativity between target selection of attack and certain inherence of industrial facilities (especially the industrial facilities involving a store of chemical and energy), a vulnerability assessment methodology for industrial facilities is developed, and the risk caused by man-made destructions(typically terrorism attack) is included in the range of major hazard installation assessment. Existing index system of accident hazard assessment is modified and the outcomes drawn from the former methodology and the modified one are comparatively analysed by a case study on the store area of a chemical plant.
出处 《郑州大学学报(理学版)》 CAS 2005年第3期99-103,108,共6页 Journal of Zhengzhou University:Natural Science Edition
基金 "十五"国家科技攻关计划课题 编号2001BA803B01
关键词 重大危险源 事故预防 易受攻击性 风险评价 major hazard installation accident prevention vulnerability risk assessment
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