
早产儿和足月产婴儿视网膜电图比较 被引量:11

Comparison of electroretinograms between preterm and full-term infants
摘要 目的了解早产儿视网膜功能发育程度。方法选取健康无眼病早产儿和足月产婴儿各25例进行闪光视网膜电图(ERG)检测,记录视杆细胞反应、视锥细胞反应及最大混合反应。对比分析两组婴儿的ERG各波反应的潜伏期、振幅以及最大反应b/a波振幅比值。结果与足月产婴儿比较,早产儿视杆细胞反应潜伏期延长(t=11.007,P=0.000),差异具有统计学意义,而振幅没有明显改变(t=1.836,P=0.069);最大反应a、b波潜伏期延长(t=2.44,P=0.010;t=10.800,P=0.000),而振幅降低(t=5.804,P=0.000;t=5.809,P=0.000),差异具有统计学意义。两组婴儿视锥细胞反应除b波振幅无明显差异外(t=0.486,P=0.628),a波潜伏期(t=4.444,P=0.000)和振幅(t=3.819,P=0.000)及b波潜伏期(t=2.850,P=0.005)差异具有统计学意义。两组间最大混合反应的b/a波振幅比值没有明显差异(t=1.142,P=0.256)。结论早产儿视网膜发育程度较足月产婴儿稍低。 Objective To investigate the degree of retinal development in preterm infants. Methods Flash electroretinography (ERG) was performed on 25 healthy preterm infants and 25 full-term ones, and the response of rod cells and cone cells and maximal mixed responses were recorded. The delitescence and amplitudes of a and b waves and the ratio of amplitudes of b-/a-wave of maximal responses were analyzed. Results Compared with the full-term infants, The delitescence of responses of rod cells in preterm infants was statistically longer (t=11. 007,P=0. 000) but without any significant changes of amplitudes (t= 1.836,P=0.069); statistically longer delitescence (t= 2.44, P=0.010; t=10. 800 , P= 0. 000) and lower amplitude (t= 5.804,P=0.000; t=5.809,P=0.000) of a- and b- wave of maximal response were found in preterm infants group. In the response of cone cells, there were significant differences of the delitescence (t=4. 444,P=0. 000) and amplitude (t=3. 819,P=0. 000)of a wave and delitescence of b wave (t = 2. 850, P= 0. 005) between the two groups, and no statistical difference of amplitude of b-wave (t=0.486,P=0.628) between the two groups. The ratio of amplitudes of b-/a- wave of the maximal mixed response was not significantly different between the two groups (t=1. 142,P=0. 256). Conclusions The development of retinal function is slower in preterm infants than that in full-term ones.
出处 《中华眼底病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期285-287,共3页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
关键词 视网膜/生长和发育 视网膜病 早产儿/诊断 视网膜电描记术 Retina/growth & development Retinopathy of prematurity/diagnosisElectroretinography
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