为探讨中医脾与肌肉的关系,对正常大鼠和用大黄造成的脾虚模型大鼠的肌糖原进行了测定。正常大鼠肌糖原含量为6.34±0.20(mg/g 肌肉,下同);而脾虚大鼠的含量仅为4.27±0.40,显著低于正常大鼠。对脾虚大鼠用健脾益气糖浆治疗7天后复测肌糖原,其值为5.85±0.16,给脾虚大鼠喂以蒸馏水自然康复作对照,7天后其肌糖原含量为4.63±0.15。喂药动物的肌糖原含量回升显著快于喂水动物,但仍低于正常动物。
The relationship between'Spleen'and muscles was explored by determining the amount of muscular glycogen to indicate the stored energy in muscles.The amount of muscular glycogen in normal rats was 6.34±0.20 mg/g muscles,it was much more than that in Spleen deficiency rats caused by rhubarb(4.27±0.40 mg/g muscles).In order to observe the effects of Jian Pi Yi Qi deccction on Spieen deficiency,the Spleen deficiency rats were divided into two groups,one of which was treated with Jian Pi Yi Qi decoction as experimental group,the other with distilled water as control.After one week,the amount of muscular glycogen in experimental group was 5.35±0.16 mg/g musclesand in control 4.63±0.15 mg/g muscles,it showed that the rising of the amount of muscular glycogen in experimental group was more than that in control with statistic significance but it was still lower than that in normal rats.