
弹体对钢筋混凝土板-钢板的贯穿计算问题 被引量:7

Theoretical study on the perforation of reinforced concrete with back-up steel plate(RCBSP) by projectiles
摘要 主要讨论了钢筋混凝土板-钢板中箍筋、纵向钢筋和钢板对弹体贯穿过程的影响。根据钢筋混凝土板-钢板多阶段变形与破坏和能量在时间、空间上的分配差异,提出了钢筋混凝土板-钢板的变形与破坏模型,确定了箍筋和钢板对弹体的阻力公式,并将纵向钢筋网等价为薄钢板厚度,从而给出了弹体和贯穿块的运动方程。并通过与弹体贯穿混凝土板过程中弹体的加速度、速度、位移的对比,说明了钢筋混凝土板-钢板中各联系件对弹体在介质贯穿过程中位移场的影响。 Actions of hoop steel-bar, portrait steel-bar, and steel plate on perforation block in RCBSP are discussed. According to the deformation and failure of RCBSP and distribution of energy in time and space, deformation and failure models of RCBSP are established. In addition, resistance formulae of hoop reinforcing steel bar and steel plate to projectile are deduced, and by regarding the reinforcing steel bar net as an equivalent steel plate, the motion equations of projectile and perforation block are proposed. The acceleration, speed, and displacement of projectile in concrete are compared with those in BCBSP, showing the influence of the elements in RCBSP on projectile's displacement field.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期289-295,共7页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家安全重大基础研究项目(51309-1-7)
关键词 爆炸力学 变形和破坏模型 弹塑性理论 钢筋混凝土 钢板 弹体 mechanics of explosion deformation and failure model elastoplastic theory steel reinforcement concrete steel plate projectile
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