
体力活动测量方法综述 被引量:66

Summary on Measurement of Physical Activity
摘要 总结分析了双标水法、间接热量测定法、体力活动问卷、心率表、运动传感器等体力活动测量方法各自的优点与不足,为开展中国人体力活动研究提供参考。 This paper analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of physical activity measurement including doubly labeled water, indirect calorimetry, physical activity questionnaire, heart rate monitors and motion sensors. The main purpose was to provide the reference for the research of Chinese physical activity.
作者 戴剑松 孙飙
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第9期69-75,共7页 China Sport Science
关键词 体力活动 测量 方法 综述 physical activity measurement method summary
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