随着Internet的飞速发展和广泛应用,大量的网络病毒已将Internet作为其一种主要的传播途径。网络病毒传播的方式很多,如通过访问网页、电子邮件以及FTP文件传输等等。为了使Web病毒(通过Web传播的网络病毒)的查杀工作对用户及Web服务器透明化,同时降低Web服务器的风险,提高病毒查杀效率。我们采用了KPSG(KILLProxy Shield Gateway,代理过滤网关)的方式提供对Web病毒(如NIMDA)和蠕虫的查杀。
The rapid development and wide spread use of Internet brings not only Information age,but also more contagious and more hideous computer viruses.The viruses can come to knock at your door by various means:accessing web pages,readlng emails,downloading files from tip sites and so on.In order to make the search and kill of web viruses(that transmit through web page accessing) transparent to both the web servers and clients,we introduce KPSG (Kill Proxy Shield Gateway).KPSG can make the search and kill process more effective while avoiding any risk that may ensue if this is done on the web server.
Computer Engineering and Applications