

Component A from Metabolites of Melanin Biosynthesis Inhibitor's Producing Strain 95-F_ (23)-2
摘要 目的从黑色素生物合成抑制剂产生菌95F232的代谢产物中获得活性组分。方法采用二级发酵方法进行产生菌发酵,产生菌代谢产物采用大孔树脂CAD40提取,用硅胶干柱层析方法分离粗提物,用制备性薄层层析方法和半制备性高效液相色谱方法进行纯化。结果产生菌的代谢产物对光敏感,易失活,对酸、碱、热均不稳定,其粗提物含有十几个组分,经分离纯化,得到其中一个活性组分———A组分,A组分紫外吸收峰为232,320nm,相对分子质量840。结论产生菌代谢产物的活性A组分具有对黑色素的抑制作用。 Objective To obtain bioactive component from melanin biosynthesis inhibitor produced by strain 95-F23-2. Methods Fermentation of producing strain was conducted by two class fermentation. Metabolites of producing strain were extracted by macroporous adsorption resin CAD-40. Crude extraction was separated by silica gel dry-column chromatography. Purification was conducted by preparative thin layer chromatography(TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Results Crude extraction con- tained more than ten components. After separation and purification of crude extraction, one bioactive component component A was obtained. Component A UV absorption was 232 nm and 320 nm, its molecular weight about 840. Metabolites of producing strain were sensitive to light and unstable to acid, alkali and heat. They lose their biological activity easily. Conclusion Bioactive component A new melanin synthesis in- hibitor produced by Actinomyees 95-F23-2(Fujian) could inhibit melanin biosynthesis among metabolites of producing strain
作者 刘珣
出处 《福建医科大学学报》 2005年第3期327-330,共4页 Journal of Fujian Medical University
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(C97064)
关键词 黑色素 放线菌目 提取法 色谱法 高效液相 melanin actinomycetales extraction method chromatography, high performance liquid
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